Selasa, 28 Februari 2012


Today is the best day of my life because it is my hero's Birthday. It's you, dad!
You are the only one who has believed in me every step of the way.
You are the reason, I am.

There are some memories in life that remain for a short time while and others stick with you forever. All the times I've spent with you are going to be sweet memories for the rest of my life.

Now that I've grown up I realize how tolerant you've been of all my crazy habits. Thanks for looking beyond what was not so great and helping me to be a better person.

I feel so blessed to have you as my Dad.
The greatest gift I ever had
Dad's are the treasures of the world!
Dad dreams, he plans, he struggles
that we might have the best,
His sacrifice is quiet,
his life is love expressed.
For always being there to care,
always trying to be fair,
for every piece of good advice,
for every quiet sacrifice;
most of all for being you,
I've never been afraid of the unknown
I've never been afraid of chasing my dreams
I've never been afraid of living life to the fullest
Only because I knew you've been watching my back
Thanks for being there for me, dad

I feel that I am the luckiest person in the whole world to be raised by such a caring, protective and providing father.
Every year, your birthday reminds me
how grateful I am that you are my father.
With all that’s going on in the world today,
I’m thankful I get to watch you,
to look up to you, being an example of a good man.
I am so blessed to be under your wing,
your protection, your care,
learning important life lessons from you.
If all fathers were like you,
the world would be a very different
and much better place.

Thanks for being a greatest dad.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday! May God always pour love and happiness. I wish you a day, filled with love, joy, care and fun. And have a sweet and joyful life ahead

I just want to tell you Daddy, no matter how much time passes and how old I become, you will always be my superman! and thanks for being the true superhero for me like you've always have. Thank you dad for everything I LOVE YOU SO MUCH


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